Dear all,
I have downloaded the RESTplus toolbox from
However, I have some problems in running it. When I press the smoothing command I get the following error:
Undefined operator '-' for input arguments of type 'matlab.ui.control.UIControl'.
Error in restgui_misc>check_if_smooth_after (line 124)
&&(~isempty(find(abs(must_smooth_after_handle_array-hObject)run_SmoothChekbox (line 424)
Error in run_BVersionCallback (line 91)
Error in repipl>UIcontrolDisplaySet_callback (line 90)
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
Moreover, it seems matpool is not available on the latest Matlab version (2016). Which is the latest release of REST I can use? Is there a manual I can read to know which options to set and how it works?
I am interestes in calculating measures of local connectivity from resting state fMRI data, such as ALFF and ReOH.
Please advice on what to do.
Thank you very much,
Kind Regards,