
Submitted by nasmar on

YAN Chao-Gan

Fri, 11/04/2016 - 05:43

Were your structural images T2 images?

If so, please rename DPABI/Templates/SchwarzRatTemplates/rat97t2w_96x96x30.v6.nii to T1Template to use it as a template.

Hi, I finished all the preprocessing step for RAT resting state without any error message. when Im checking Quality control of my data : Im overlaying functional images on their structural image after co registration and normalization....its seems perfectly overlap But when Im overlapping my functional and structural images with template that is provided in the template folder thee are not perfectly overlap. do you know what might be the error ? just to let you know that i have resize my voxel by factor of 10 at the beginning Thank you for your kind help