Edit: I Forget to check the T1 coreg to Fun box, I think that was the problem. Now is running properly.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask some questions, please.
1. When I perform the components correction method (compcor) is it better to use the segmentation instead the spm a priori??
2. Can I use different values in segmentation at 0,99? or is preferable to use the 0,99 default mode?
3. When I use BET option, I need to rename de data Bet_co to co_ ???? Or DPARSFA knows which folder?
4. CompCor method also detrends the data. Would be right to detrend the data later (checking the detrend box).
Thank you so much Dr. Yan for your help.
You and your collegues are doing a great job with the toolbox!!!!
Running nuisance covariate regression showed this error:
Error using y_Reslice (line 52)