error in dpabi for data processing

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Dear all and Yan:

I'm using DPARSF 4.1 Advanced Edition and V4:Calculate in MNI space (warp by Dartel) based on SPM8 and Matlab 2010a to process data. However,there are some errors:

FunImgARglobalCovs without any results

and error information is that:

Running 'Smooth'

Done    'Smooth'


Moving Smoothed Files:fALFF_FunImgARCW OKMoving Smoothed Files:ALFF_FunImgARCW OK


          Extracting ROI signals...??? Error using ==> y_ReadAll at 60

The input name is not supported by y_ReadAll: D:\test\FunImgARglobal\Sub_002

Error in ==> y_ExtractROISignal at 56

    [AllVolume,VoxelSize,theImgFileList, Header] =y_ReadAll(AllVolume);

Error in ==> DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) at 2602                y_ExtractROISignal([AutoDataProcessParameter.DataProcessDir,filesep,FunSessionPrefixSet{iFunSession},AutoDataProcessParameter.StartingDirName,filesep,AutoDataProcessParameter.SubjectI

                Error in ==> parallel_function at 473           F(base, limit);

Error in ==> DPARSFA_run at 2457

        parfor i=1:AutoDataProcessParameter.SubjectNum

Error in ==> DPARSFA_RerunWithGSR at 90


Error in ==> DPARSFA>pushbuttonRun_Callback at 1782


Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96   feval(varargin{:});

Error in ==> DPARSFA at 30

    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

??? Error using ==> pause

Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback