Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the release of DPABI V1.1 and The R-fMRI Course V2.0.
1. New modules in DPABI Utilities:
1.1. Multiple T1 Images Averager. If you have multiple T1 runs for each subject, this module will coregister them and make a mean T1 image to put to "T1Img" for following analyses.
1.2. T1 Image Defacer. If you want to open share your data, or simply transfer your data to others, this module will remove the face of the T1 images for privacy concerns. This module coregister the MNI template (mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_asym_09c.nii) and MNI face mask (mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_asym_09c_face_mask.nii) to the individual T1 image, and then remove the face and put to "T1ImgDefaced".
2. Bugs Fixed.
2.1. DPABI Viewer: Cluster report doesn't work correctly after GRF correction. Thanks for Vincent's report!
3. DPABI now can check the latest version and pop up a notice.
Please visit
The R-fMRI Course V2.0:
The R-fMRI Course was firstly released on July 15, 2009. During the past 5 years, the course was kept updating, and received 70,660 views. As DPABI is released, I'm glad upgrade the R-fMRI Course to V2.0. Please visit
Chao-Gan YAN
on behalf of
the DPABI Team