Bet error: command not found

Submitted by cat on

YAN Chao-Gan

Fri, 12/12/2014 - 21:54

Hi Cat,

Please make sure you have add FSL into your path of MAC terminal correctly. You can find relevant information in FSL website, and test it by input:


in terminal and see the response.

If that works, then enter matlab in terminal to open matlab, everything should be find.



Dear Experts:

 I am new to DPARSF and new to Matlab,so please kindly excuse my basic question.

I am working on a Mac and have installed FSL and SPM8.  I have also opened Matlab from the terminal as suggested. I am able to start DPARSF (by adding path with subdirectories as suggested in Matlab) and it runs fine through the dicom-nifii conversion, the realign, estimate and reslice process until I receive the error message:

Reorienting Functional Images Interactively for M1003: OK
Warning: Directory already exists. 
> In DPARSFA_run at 1155
  In DPARSF_run at 95
  In DPARSF>pushbuttonRun_Callback at 1117
  In gui_mainfcn at 96
  In DPARSF at 50 
Apply Reorient Mats to functional images for M1003: OK
Apply Reorient Mats to functional images for M1002: OK
Bet begin...
/bin/bash: bet: command not found
/bin/bash: bet: command not found
/bin/bash: bet: command not found
/bin/bash: bet: command not found
Bet finished
Copying T1 image Files:M1003 OKCopying T1 image Files:M1002 OK
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
I think, my problem is that Matlab can't find FSL. I am not sure how to source it  correctly. I have added SPM to the path ( through the 'set path' option in the matlab GUI)   and can open it in matlab by typing in spm, but I can't seem to do that for FSL.
Does someone else have the same problem or could offer a solution?
I would be grateful for any suggestions.
Very best Regards,