nii2niftipairs from commandline

Submitted by efine on
Hi, Is there a way to run nii2niftipairs from the commandline? thanks

YAN Chao-Gan

Sun, 02/13/2011 - 07:40

Yes. Please use rest_Nii2NiftiPairs function rest_Nii2NiftiPairs(PI,PO) % FORMAT rest_Nii2NiftiPairs(PI,PO) % NIfTI nii to NIfTI pairs (.hdr/.img) % PI - input filename: *.nii % PO - output filename: *.img %___________________________________________________________________________ % Written by YAN Chao-Gan 091127. % State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, China, 100875 %