VMHC computing error and functional connectivity / ReHo results

Submitted by gergo7633 on

Dear Experts,

I have two questions. The first one is regarding the results of functional connectivity analysis and ReHo.

I calculated the fc matrix between the DMN nodes using the provided atlas which resulted in 2 sets of results in the ROISignals_FunImgARCWSF  directory. One is FisherZ the other is plain ROICorrelation matrix. I'd like to feed the results to SPSS to use in statistical evaluations including other variables. Which one should I use, I guess FischerZ would mean Z-scores, but I do not know where those z values are calculated from, so I can not decide which one to use. The same goes to the reho maps where I have plain reho maps, mreho maps and z rehomaps and don't know what those maps represent.


The other issue is an error that I get if I try to calculate VMHC.  I'm using Matlab 2019b under linux mint with spm12 and DPARFS A . 

The error is the following:


VMHC computing.

Normalize to symmetric group T1 mean Template:Sub_003 OK
Moving Normalized Files:Sub_001 OKMoving Normalized Files:Sub_002 OKMoving Normalized Files:Sub_003 OK

Computing VMHC...
Reading images from "/home/kutato/EVALUATION/DPABI/FunImgARCWSFsym/Sub_001/sym_Filtered_4DVolume.nii" etc.
Error using y_VMHC (line 75)
To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change.

Error in DPARSFA_run (line 4583)
        parfor i=1:AutoDataProcessParameter.SubjectNum

Error in DPARSFA>pushbuttonRun_Callback (line 1845)

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)

Error in DPARSFA (line 30)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.



Thank you for any feedback. I'm really new to DPARFS so all kinds if replies would be appreciated.





YAN Chao-Gan

Mon, 05/18/2020 - 00:36

1. FischerZ. Google Fisher's r to z. z ReHo as well, see z-standardization.Yan, C.G., Craddock, R.C., Zuo, X.N., Zang, Y.F., Milham, M.P. (2013). Standardizing the intrinsic brain: towards robust measurement of inter-individual variation in 1000 functional connectomes. Neuroimage, 80, 246-262, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.081.

2. Not sure, could you run smoothly with the demo data? http://rfmri.org/demodata

Dear Chao-Gan,


Thank you for the clarification.


As for the #2 I'm running the evaluation at the moment.


Two more questions if I may. I've watched all the tutorial videos, but haven't seen where can I input my own design and contrast files generated by FSL's GLM. I'm analyzing my results with the Statistical analysis option in DPABI, but haven't find a way to input my own design. 

Is there a quick way to regress out the 6 basic motion parameters from the data? I'mean along with the other nuisance regressors? Or is the inclusion of MeanFD Jenkinson as a covariate is enough during the statistical analysis?


Thank you for your answers.

Best regards,

