Dear Prof. Yan,
I used DPABI running the PT TFCE. The palm had been updated. The error information was attached. Please help me. Thanks a lot!
Best wishes,
Error using palm_takeargs (line 1177)
Unknown option: "G:\tfce\Temp\Design.csv"
Error in palm_core (line 33)
[opts,plm] = palm_takeargs(varargin{:});
Error in palm (line 81)
Error in y_GroupAnalysis_PermutationTest_Image (line 102)
Error in y_TTest2_Image (line 81)
Error in DPABI_STAT_TOOL>ComputeButton_Callback (line 521)
y_TTest2_Image(S, OutputName, MaskFile, ImageCell, TextCell, PALMSettings);
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)
Error in DPABI_STAT_TOOL (line 42)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in @(hObject,eventdata)DPABI_STAT_TOOL('ComputeButton_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
What's your setting?
What's your setting?
The setting in PALM
Dear Prof. Yan,
The setting in PALM,
Number of 1000,
Cluster forming 2.3
TFCE two-tailed
No accleration.
Thanks a lot!
Best wishes,
Do you have any covariates?
Do you have any covariates?
You can try another dataset to see if it works.
The error information changed
You inputed some image file
You inputed some image file with uncommon format.
The format is .nii
Try if you can process the
Try if you can process the demo data:
demodata error information
Dear Prof. Yan,
When the demo data ran the TFCE, the error information was as follows,
What's the mask file you
What's the mask file you specified?