multiband 数据预处理错误

Submitted by muzhi on





1、在设置time points和TR为0后得到的TRInfo.tsv文件打开得到的time points 是1,但实际time points是150,请问为什么会出现这种情况?

2、在转dicom文件为nifti之后进行其他处理时,无论设置time points为1还是150,都会出现如下错误



3、multiband数据如何设置slice number和slice order以及reference slice?



You may try this: The only two things I should do is to 1. set slice Number as 0, 2. save correct SliceOrderInfo.tsv under the working directory. It doesn't matter what to fill in the Slice Order and Reference Slice blanks, because the program will accordingly determine the SliceNumber and extract the slice order sequence in ms, based on which the Reference slice will be determined as SliceOrder(ceil(SliceNumber/2)) by default.


之前的这个问题仍然还是没有解决,我是这样做的:1、在{DPARSF}/Docs里存储了正确的SliceOrderInfo.tsv 2、将SliceOrderInfo_NKI1400里的时间改成了正确的时间并删除了另一个文件SliceOrderInfo_NKI645  3、在matlab里重新set path DPARSF 4、在DPARSF GUI中填写slice  order为0.但此时就出现了 SliceOrderInfo.tsv(under working directory)is not detected...的警告.目前还是只能将原来的dicom文件转换成nifti格式,其他的都无法正常操作,而且在设置time points和TR均为0时,得到的TRInfo.tsv里显示的slice number仍然为150,time points 仍然为1.应该是我的操作出现了问题,请问我哪里做的不对呢?

Thanks a lot!What about the value of time points? It seems  to be wrong,which we set is 150,but according to the TRInfo.tsv its mean is 1.What can I do to deal with it?