FC of 2 seeds

Submitted by merrf on
Dear REST authors, I'm trying to analyze seed-based functional connectivity of the thalamus by using REST and DPARSF. Here's my simple query: How can I perform FC of the two seeds at the same time (e.g., intrinsic connectivity of both left and right lateral thalamus simutaneously, intead of right and left thalamus, respectively)? Thank you in advance for your kindness. Best Wishes Kim Seoul, South Korea

YAN Chao-Gan

Mon, 01/09/2012 - 18:34

Just let your ROI mask file include both the left lateral thalamus and right lateral thalamus. If you have two ROI files, REST->Utilities->Image Calculator: (i1+i2)~=0


Tue, 01/10/2012 - 13:33

In reply to by YAN Chao-Gan

Dear Dr. YAN Chao-Gan Thanks for the quick response. What you have mentioned seems clear to me. In the mean while, I want to use 'Define ROI' and successive 'spherical ROI' functions of DPARSF GUI (i.e., MNI coords of both thalamic nuclei and radius of 3 mm). Is it possible to perform FC analysis of these 2 spherical ROIs simutaneously? Thank you in advance for your kindness. Kim

Use the following scripts to do that: RefFile='/Data/FunImgARW/Sub_001/xxx001.img'; %Specify one of your functional image OutputMaskFileName='TwoROIInONeMask.img'; %The output file name ROICenter=[-20 30 30;20 30 30]; %The ROI Center ROIRadius=6; % The ROI Radius ROIDef=[]; for i=1:size(ROICenter,1) ROIDef=[ROIDef;{rest_SphereROI('ROIBall2Str', ROICenter(i,:), ROIRadius)}]; end [RefData,RefVox,RefHeader]=rest_readfile(RefFile); MaskSum=0; for iROI=1:length(ROIDef) MaskTemp=rest_SphereROI( 'BallDefinition2Mask' , ROIDef{iROI}, size(RefData), RefVox, RefHeader); MaskSum=MaskSum+MaskTemp; end rest_WriteNiftiImage(MaskSum~=0,RefHeader,OutputMaskFileName);


Thu, 01/12/2012 - 14:31

In reply to by YAN Chao-Gan

Dear Dr. YAN Chao-Gan Thank you for your kindness. According to your explanation, it seems that method for 2 seeds analysis by using GUI is not possible, right? The script you wrote seems hard for me to perform, because I'm not familar with matlab language. However, I'll try what you have indicated. Kim