功能连接 ROI选择的问题

Submitted by yanzhou on

  老师您好,请教一个问题,我们在做功能连接选择ROI的时候,参照的文献中没有给出相应的坐标,只写了解剖部位,比如left and right OFC等,我们看到REST和DPARSF中均有 Predefined ROI from AAL template by selecting specific area 这个选项,不知该如何选择ROI,请老师指点。


2. Harvard Oxford Atlas
The atlas is based on the Harvard Oxford atlas files (thresholded at probability 25%) provided in FSL:
HarvardOxford-cort-maxprob-thr25-2mm.nii.gz (cortical)
HarvardOxford-sub-maxprob-thr25-2mm.nii.gz (subcortical)

Given the order in the original files were not easy to use in extracting ROI time series (e.g., the left right ROI share the same index), the ROIs were re-indexed as detailed in the {DPARSF}\Templates\HarvardOxford_Atlas_NewIndex_YCG.xlsx