关于文章中 Jacobian of the nonlinear warp field in order to compensate的问题

Submitted by liufeng on

The resultant GM images were registered to the ICBM152 GM template (included with FSL) with 2×2×2 mm3 resolution, using a nonlinear registration (FNIRT). These images were then averaged together with their mirror images, in order to create a symmetric study-specific GM template. Each individual’s native GM image was then registered to this studyspecific GM template using FNIRT nonlinear registration, and each voxel was subsequently divided by the Jacobian of the nonlinear warp field in order to compensate (“modulate”) for contraction or enlargement caused by the non-linear transformation. The modulated normalized GM images were then smoothed with an isotropic Gaussian kernel with a sigma of 3mm (analogous to a 7 mm FWHM).

除了这一步:别的我还比较确定可以用spm实现: and each voxel was subsequently divided by the Jacobian of the nonlinear warp field in order to compensate (“modulate”) for contraction or enlargement caused by the non-linear transformation. 请问这一步能用spm实现吗?具体到哪一个步骤呢?



那么这个Preserve选项是不是自动就把这一步做了 divided by the Jacobian of the nonlinear warp field,不用我自己把图像手动除以Jacobian of the nonlinear warp field。因为我没有找到Jacobian of the nonlinear warp field,spm会把这个输出吗?



对了,预计这个月推出DPARSFA的稳定版本 (不好意思,有点推迟),加入配准到镜像模板的环节。