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Group comparison, ROI analysis and smoothing

Submitted by David on

Hi @all,

I have a question regarding the smoothing of RS fMRI data. I want to compare patiens and controls based on ALFF, fALFF,  ReHO, VHMC and also want to use the extracted AAL ROIs to analyze each subject individually for calculating cross-correlation between ROIs. Now I was wondering if it is even necessary to apply smoothing to the data at all? I was also wondering if it is necessary to apply the head motion scrubbing regressors or if ths will corrupt the calculation of ALFF, fALL asf. ? Because as I understood scrubbing removes bad time points.

about ReHo

Submitted by fMRInovice on

Dear experts,

I am a novice in fMRI. I would like to ask a question about  the preprocessing of ReHo. Is it necessary to include "nuisance regression" in the preprocessing step? In some literatures it was not mentioned, while in some others it was included. Is "nuisance regression" necessary?

Thank you for your kind reply!


Please help me! What's the relation between the region of S2 and OP?

Submitted by wonder on

Please help me! 

What's the relation between the region of secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) and parietal operculum (OP)?

Is the region of S2 contained within OP entirely, or OP contained within S2 entirely?

Thank you very much!

TR in rest state fMRI

Submitted by abujamea on

Dear colleagues I am beginner in rest state fMRI experiments, my question might look silly for you, I saw many rest fMRI protocols they mentioned that TR should not exceed 3000ms, is it technical issue or it has some relation to mechanism of the brain networking and MR signal, and what they mean by Default mode network shows up in resting fMRI as areas with temporally correlated baseline activity, 0.01 Hz < frequency < 0.08 Hz. thank you for your contribution.

DMN function: language and associations etc

Submitted by axel.vadim on
This is reply to Doug's comment about DMN, language and associations (from previous thread; see also below). Somehow I could do the reply directly there.
Doug, if you can post some references to representative paper(s) related to DMN/language and DMN/associations this would be helpful for me. Thanks!
As to what you are saying regarding associations, I am confused with terminology.