Unrecognized function or variable 'MaskROILabel'.

Submitted by puyunfashi on

Extracting ROI signals...
Load mask "C:\toolbox\DPABI_V8.2_240510\DPABI_V8.2_240510\DPABISurf\SurfTemplates\fsaverage5_lh_cortex.label.gii".
Unrecognized function or variable 'MaskROILabel'.

Error in y_SCA_Surf (line 158)
   if size(MaskROILabel,2) < length(ROIDef) %YAN Chao-Gan, 131124. To avoid if the labels of the last ROI has been defined.

Error in DPABISurf_run (line 2635)
               y_SCA_Surf(fullfile(Cfg.WorkingDir,[FunSessionPrefixSet{iFunSession},Cfg.StartingDirName],Cfg.SubjectID{i},FileName), ...

Error in DPABISurf_Pipeline

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)

Error in DPABISurf_Pipeline

Error in matlab.graphics.internal.figfile.FigFile/read>@(hObject,eventdata)DPABISurf_Pipeline('pushbuttonDPABISurfRun_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.


I tried to use DPABISurf_Pipeline to calculate the ROISignals and FC maps with the surface posterior cingulate cortex as the ROI. I get this error message.

The reason is that if only one surface ROI was defined, the DPABISurf will not extract ROI signal. You will see a null file "ROISignals_subxxx.txt" in the directory "Results\FunSurfLH\ROISignals_FunSurfWCFS". There is nothing in "ROI_OrderKey_subxxx.txt" either.

The solution is simple: just define a volume ROI. It doesn't matter what this volume ROI is.

I'm using DPABI_V8.2_240510 and DPABISurf V3.2_240510. This issue could be addressed in later released versions.