Signal extractor question

Submitted by cat on


Thu, 04/15/2021 - 03:11

cpu_count = 4
exec_env = "docker"
free_mem = 2.7
overcommit_policy = "heuristic"
overcommit_limit = "50%"
nipype_version = "1.5.1"
templateflow_version = "0.6.3"
version = "20.2.1"

bids_dir = "/data/BIDS"
bids_database_dir = "/data/fmriprepwork/sub-sub0983/20210414-115444_7e921fc7-a77e-450c-8825-95139b8682d7/bids_db"
bids_description_hash = "ceb55f9ef8d5658e7418760e3be9884a4199d08a3fe8d1097cc0ad9faf5ae0a2"
boilerplate_only = false
sloppy = false
debug = []
fmriprep_dir = "/data/fmriprep"
fs_license_file = "/opt/freesurfer/license.txt"
fs_subjects_dir = "/data/freesurfer"
layout = "BIDS Layout: .../data/BIDS | Subjects: 1 | Sessions: 0 | Runs: 0"
log_dir = "/data/fmriprep/logs"
log_level = 25
low_mem = true
md_only_boilerplate = false
notrack = false
output_dir = "/data"
output_layout = "legacy"
output_spaces = "fsaverage:den-10k MNI152NLin2009cAsym:res-native"
reports_only = false
run_uuid = "20210414-115444_7e921fc7-a77e-450c-8825-95139b8682d7"
participant_label = [ "sub0983",]
templateflow_home = "/home/fmriprep/.cache/templateflow"
work_dir = "/data/fmriprepwork/sub-sub0983"
write_graph = false

anat_only = false
aroma_err_on_warn = false
aroma_melodic_dim = -200
bold2t1w_dof = 6
bold2t1w_init = "register"
cifti_output = false
fmap_bspline = false
force_syn = false
hires = true
ignore = []
longitudinal = false
medial_surface_nan = false
regressors_all_comps = false
regressors_dvars_th = 1.5
regressors_fd_th = 0.5
run_reconall = true
skull_strip_fixed_seed = false
skull_strip_template = "OASIS30ANTs"
skull_strip_t1w = "force"
spaces = "fsaverage:den-10k MNI152NLin2009cAsym:res-native"
use_aroma = false
use_syn_sdc = false

crashfile_format = "txt"
get_linked_libs = false
nprocs = 4
omp_nthreads = 3
plugin = "MultiProc"
resource_monitor = true
stop_on_first_crash = false

master = 536
ants = 25065

maxtasksperchild = 1
raise_insufficient = false

Dear Expert,

I am grateful for your help. I have not received an answer so I am reposting this question. 

I am trying to extract the  time-course signals using DPABI's signal exractor tool for a single subject event-related run that has been pre-processed with SPM. My question is as follows: 

Would the signal extractor tool work for an event-related run? if so, should I enter the 'con.nii' files or the spmT.nii files?

I would really appreciate your  expert guidance,

