Respcted Yan, and all,
When I use DPARSF to calculate the functional connectivity of the preprocessed data of the HCP dataset(rfMRI_REST1_LR_Atlas_MSMAll.dtseries.nii), it always prompt the error:
rror using file_array/subsref>multifile2mat (line 183)
Size vector must have at least two elements.
Error in file_array/subsref>subfun (line 99)
t = multifile2mat(sobj,varargin{:});
Error in file_array/subsref (line 65)
t = subfun(sobj,args{:});
Error in file_array/full (line 13)
out = subsref(fa,struct('type','()','subs',{vo}));
Have somebody used HCP's preprocessed data(rfMRI_REST1_LR_Atlas_MSMAll.dtseries.nii) to calculate functional connectivity? Hope to get your help very much, thanks!!!
Best Wishes!
I havn't use dtseries.nii yet
I havn't use dtseries.nii yet. Will try in the future.