- Install MATLAB for Mac with Apple Silicon support.
- Install Docker Desktop for Mac with Apple Silicon support.
- Increase the "Virtual disk limit": Go to Docker -> Settings -> Resources -> Virtual disk limit.
- Increase the "Virtual disk limit": Go to Docker -> Settings -> Resources -> Virtual disk limit.
- Download the development version of SPM from https://github.com/spm/spm or use this alternative one.
- Download DPABI from https://rfmri.org/DPABI.
- Launch MATLAB from the terminal by running the following command:
open /Applications/MATLAB_R2024a.app/ - Set paths in MATLAB:
- First: Add the DPABI path with subfolders: Set Path -> Add with Subfolders -> DPABI Path.
- Second: Add the SPM path without subfolders: Set Path -> Add Folder -> SPM Path.
- First: Add the DPABI path with subfolders: Set Path -> Add with Subfolders -> DPABI Path.
- Grant permission for SPM compiled files. In MATLAB, run the following commands one by one:
- cd(fileparts(which('spm.m')))
- !sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ./
- !sudo find ./ -name "*.mexmaci64" -exec spctl --add {} \;
- cd(fileparts(which('dcm2nii.ini')))
- !sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine ./dcm2niix_mac
- Load Docker images for DPABI:
- Download the DPABI Docker file from https://rfmri.org/DPABI.
- In DPABI, go to DPABISurf -> Install -> Pull DPABISurf Docker -> Load from a local file or run:
docker load -i xxxxxxdocker.tar.gz
- Restart your computer and run DPABI!